Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend update.

First: Only one funny thing happened this weekend. Friday night when I came home from work the three year old runs to me and says...

Me: (Walk in the door.)
Me: Awesome! Is he a hot pool boy?
Lani: WE GOT A POOL!?!?!?(walks away proud of herself).

We have no idea what brought this on but it was funny. I guess you had to have been there now that I read it its really not that funny but oh well you are the one who read it.

Poor Trista got really sick that night too. Lucky for me I do not have throw-up kids. You know the ones I am talking about, the ones that get even the slightest bit of a cold or something and they have to throw-up every ten minutes. Well, I do not have those children. My children get the serious Emergency Room at two in the morning and Tylenol never works type fevers. Poor Trista was at 104 at one point during the night and I thought for sure we were going to take a trip to the ER that night. But as it turns out the fever finally broke about an hour later and it came down. I am still not sure what set it off but she was happy go lucky the next day. Apparently she talks in her sleep like I do and she kept telling Ana no all night.

Jim and I had the joy to take the kids over to a friends house this weekend where nothing really eventful happened other than our friends have this huge husky dog that LOVED the kids and they loved him. They played for almost 30 minutes straight and the dog never tired but the girls sure did.

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