Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Doggies and babies

So this morning I had to get up earlier than every one else and take Trista to her 24 month doctors appt. Here is a cute pic of her eating breakfast this morning. The doc gave her two shots in her legs so you know that she was not too happy with me or that poor nurse. But the doc said that she is in the 70th percentile for her height and she also said that she is going to remain skinny which is always good news to me. Doc said that she is small but perfectly healthy She only weighs 26 lbs.

Anyway, I got up to take my shower to get Trista ready and I come out of the bathroom and this is the scene I find on my bed. The husband is sleeping on the right and the dog is expecting a tummy rub I think. Who do you think is the more comfortable?

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