Thursday, July 9, 2009

Stupid Internet

Yesterday I took the day off to spend it with my family on a little trip to the dentist. Ana's spacer fell out of her mouth so we had to go to get another one put in. Fortunately we did not get it put in and the dentist said to wait so she was happy. We were not however, we live in the sticks so the closest pediatric dentist is 1.5 hours away in a completely different state. Not only did it waste our time but our gas as well. Good news is I got some neat pictures of the kids with the crappy camera that is about to be replaced.

(Read the second part here) All of yesterday and this morning has given us the biggest headache. Most of you know that we do not use our home phone AT ALL so the other day I called and had it cancelled. Awesomely Verizon is always one step ahead of us in the customer service so they decided to CANCEL my entire service. I spent all morning on the phone and I swear I spoke to 25 different people until I decided enough was enough and I asked for a supervisor. Finally I was able to figure out that someone had put the account on hold for "nonpayment" which is impossible since I am completely anal about my internet and billing said my balance due was 0.00. While it was on hold the other someone cancelled the service and I was shut out of my system. Now I have to wait 7-10 days for them to cancel the service completely then I am allowed to call back in and order a new service with just the DSL internet. So anyway, I have no internet at home for at least another few days.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT! That is classic! I am not beyond believing a story like that. I love the pics and the girls are super cute! Lani(I think), the youngest reminds me of you.
