Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kids, kids, kids

Okay...How many of us started out in this life saying things like I never want to have kids? Yeah I was one of them and I had THREE girls...Sheesh. Start from the beginning you say?

I graduated high school and joined the Navy. My first duty station was Hawaii! Real tough duty...I met my now husband Jim and we were married in December. We had our first child the following May. Then we moved to VA and we had two more girls one in July of 06 and one in June of 07. Yes, they are 11 months apart! Then Jim retired from the Military and we moved to NC. We love it here and do not plan on moving ever again.

Anawake: 6 yrs old and going to first grade next year.

Kealohahalani: 3 yrs old today and loving life.

Trista Six: 2 yrs old and learning more everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I would LOVE to see pictures! It is great to hear from you.
