Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mega Millions

So the other day as I was passing through GA with some friends and I noticed that the Mega Millions jackpot was up to $133 mil. I decided right then that I was going to get two tickets. One of them with my numbers 2 (Tristas age), 3 (Lanis age), 6 (Anas age), 29 (my age), 45 (Jim age), and the mega mil number is 3 (Random chosen number from Ana). Then the other ticket is just random numbers that Ana chose since she was standing next to me and I happend to have $2 on me at the time. 9, 12, 30, 40, 56, and 20.

I promise you this. If I win anything I will be happy, however I do have my hopes up for the actual winning of the $133 mil which equals out to about 5 mil a year OR I can take the cash option of 82.8 mil (BTW the cash option contrary to popular belief gives you more of a payout than the yearly payout).

Let me tell you what I would do with this: I would pay off all my debts and utility bills for ten years. I would donate some to cancer research, organ donation, and Angelman Syndrome research. Then I would put some into my retirement plan and the rest would go for the things that I have always wanted like a boat (big enough to carry some friends and small enough for the truck to haul). Then some play money of course so that I could visit all my friends that are spread around the world! I would get three more vehicles (one for each of the kids) then I would retire with my husband and hire a nanny!

Ah to dream...

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