Friday, July 10, 2009

The Dog Did it!

I do not know what causes children to decide that something would be REALLY fun when in fact it is more apt to make the parents pull their hair out at the roots. Jim has the joy of spending every evening with the kids as I work full time during this time. He gets to feed, bath, and clean up after three little girls and make sure that they are in bed. Last night was no exception.

Ana being the oldest has decided that it is ALWAYS fun to get her little sister Lani into trouble. Last night Ana somehow convinced her sister to take the blame for doing the #2 on the floor. (Keep in mind that we are slowly but surely potty training Lani so this comes as not a surprise). Jim being the Dad that he is grabbed Lani to give her the well deserved spanking but soon realized that she had none of the #2 residue on her behind. After finding this out Jim asked Ana what happened and she said that the dog did it. Well, from a person who owns four dogs and has raised three babies we can definitely tell the difference between a kid #2 and a dog #2. After some talk of grounding from TV Ana made a tearful confession that she was the one who actually created the pile on the floor. This is a girl that has been potty trained for three years...Why the sudden fascination?

Lessons learned:
  • Getting little sisters into trouble does not always work out in your favor.
  • Doing your deeds on the floor is bound to get you grounded from the TV for a week.
  • Learning how to use the new steam cleaner is not easy.

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