Friday, July 17, 2009

Birdies on the bird house

The birdies have finally come. Jim bought me this bird house for my birthday and it has taken them since June to figure it out that it was there but here they are in all of their glory.
If you like this bird feeder and would like have one made for you
or a family member or friend we can have one made. One of our friends does woodworking part time. I am sure that he would LOVE to build you something. He also does some made to order items as well. You can check them out at T&L woodworking on facebook.
Don't mind the tortured Barbie doll in the back ground of this last picture. We have no idea how it got there but it is a one in a million shot if the kids threw it. It it too high for the kids to reach from the ground and too far off of the cliff for them to place it on there. Jim and I do not go near there since there is a fly trap there that smells like a three week old diaper so you know it wasn't one of us! So there she will stay, even through strong winds and heavy rain storms she has not moved. If only all of us had her determination and stamina.

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