Monday, July 20, 2009

The Road to No Where

We took a Sunday drive this weekend as a start of the new Hill family tradition. We have decided that to spend time together every Sunday we are going to do something as a family (since usually this is the ONLY time that we are all actually in the same house together). My friends at work told me about this place called the road to no where. The story is that there is a dam not too far from here and the government pushed many families out of their homes to flood the area. The government promised these families that they would build a road that would allow them to visit the cemeteries that would now be stranded on the other side of the newly formed lake. However, they never did. They did however, start the project and there is a 1200 foot tunnel that simply ends. You have to walk up to the tunnel and you can walk all the way through it but on the other side it just stops and there is nothing but a forested area.

Its really an eerie feeling walking through this tunnel. I always felt like I was being watched, creepy.

The entrance to the tunnel.

A small flower Ana found on the walk.

Inside the tunnel. Ana was the only one to sit still long enough to get the flash to catch something other than her face.

The kids enjoyed running far ahead of us and screaming at the top of their lungs to hear the echo...If you look really close you can see Lani in red.

Some of the Graffiti that lines the walls of this tunnel. Its sad to see this.

Trista inside the tunnel. She looks scared but she is not I just grabbed her arm to get her to look at me to take a picture. Lani never let me get a hold of her.

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