Monday, July 27, 2009

Dry Falls

Beginning the trip to the waterfalls. Yes, we still went to the falls after Simba died because the younger girls would have been very disappointed if we did not.

Waterfall from the top. This waterfall is only about 30 minutes from my house which is really cool.

This is why they call it a dry fall because you can walk behind it.

First family picture since the girls were born. Note that Jim is not smiling because of the loss of his best friend.

Standing behind the waterfall. Yes you do get a little damp standing here.

The weird moss that grows here.

Anawake leaning against the railing.

Jim and Trista. She did NOT like the sound of the waterfall. It was very loud.

Lani the cutie posing for her picture.

Anawake sitting on a rock.

Ana helping Trista down the trail.

Jim and Trista a level above me.

We went on a picnic after seeing the waterfalls. Its easier to forgive someone for their mistakes than it is to forget so as you can see my mother did attend the picnic. It will take us a long time to forget the loss of our dog, but mistakes happen and hopefully she will learn to slow down on our road.

Trista happy with her drink.

After we got home I found this in my bird feeder.


  1. My son Vance was sitting on my lap when I looked at the picture of your family, and he kept saying, "Those are my friends!" And he also said that he loves them. :)

  2. That is very sweet. Of course they are friends! Tell him we all love him too! Hopefully they can meet someday.
