Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is that God?

I just remembered this and thought that I should share. Jim is off of work from CAT and gets to stay home for the next three weeks and collect unemployment. In their infinite wisdom there at his work they do these things called "rolling layoffs" where the employees get "laid off" for a week at a time and they collect unemployment for that week then they go back to work. Which usually is not a big deal only Jim makes more unemployed than he does when he works 40 hour weeks. So basically he gets an awesome vacation this month for three weeks and we get paid more!

Because the sitter that usually watches our kids usually gets less than minimal pay from us anyway we cannot afford to lose her by taking off for three weeks and her finding someone to take our kids spots. This means the kids go to daycare whether or not we are off of work! So, Jim gets three weeks off at home with no kids for the better part of the day. Luckily, I have the best hubby in the world who makes sure the kids are fed, clean, and in bed, and the house is clean before I get home from work but he still gets the nice silence of not having an estrogen filled house.

Anyway, I mentioned that to bring this up. As I was taking the girls to their daycare lady this morning, it was Lani's turn to stay home with Daddy and spend some "quality time" together. Usually this means that the kids are old enough to enjoy their time with their daddy but young enough not to realize that he is putting them to work either dusting or scrubbing floors. Eventually they will catch on. So it was just me, Ana, and Trista heading out today. We always pass by this church on our way that has this HUGE cross in the front with Jesus hanging from it. I have always thought that this was ghastly and I hate the sculpture. My family is not the religious type by any means. Our idea of going to church is getting up and seeing if there is a football game on TV. Ana however has found out that Church is a really cool way to get Mamaw and Papaw all to herself so she likes to attend with them once and awhile.

Anyway, as we passed this ghastly cross Ana asked me if that cross had "God" on it. I said no that is supposed to be Jesus. She then informed me that "God made the earth, then water, then the land, then the trees and grass, then us and we were just like him. And then he made bugs because he was bored." I made the mistake of asking where she learned all of this from and she informed me that I WAS as dumb as I had sounded. "Duh Mom....I (pointing to herself with her thumb for extra affect) go to church." I immediately shut up and turned on the radio.

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