Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pumpkin Festival

Every year there is a festival called the pumpkin fest. The kids have a great time and we get to walk with them until they are too tired to move. The two small girls rode a pony and everyone had some ice cream. It was a good time had by all.Then we came home and got in to the pumpkin carving.

Up close of my carving.

Lani with the black cat she chose.

Trista with the purple butterfly she made very clear that she wanted.

Ana getting her autumn leaves, but I forgot to take an up close pic of it. Yeah, mom of the year again.

Trista, not quite sure if she is going to enjoy the ride or not.

Looks like she loved it.

Pinata that a friend made.

Another pinata

Trista with her ice cream.

Jims pumpkin is on the right and mine is on the left.

Up close of Jims carving.

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