Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Homeland Security Anyone?

I had asked the girls what they wanted to be for halloween this year. Trista said she wanted to be a princess with her frog prince. Ana chose a vampire and Lani wanted whatever Ana wanted.

Me being mom vetoed these ideas under the assumption that they were typical halloween ideas and I must come up with something different.

I had an idea that would change halloween forever for the Hill family. Jim and I were going as NCIS agents complete with hats and fully automatic weapons. Ok airsoft guns but it was all the same. The girls got to be part of my sick and twisted idea as well. They were going as terrorists.

My friends and I bought all the required definately offending gear. Camo thermals, sheets, molding clay for the C4, wires, and of course kitchen timers, and even duct tape after exclaiming loudly through the store that we needed it for the BOMBS. My friends informed me that perhaps I shouldn't say that in a store. We worked tirelessly through the night and we finally had a finished product. (See picture)

All this for one night of fantastic candy and strange giggles from the real police officers.

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