Monday, October 4, 2010

Creepy Dog!

So a little bit after Simba died (our German Shepherd dog). I found this little Chihuahua dog getting attacked by a much larger dog in the street. I scooped him up and of course took him home with me. No one knew who he belonged to and I never saw any ads for him either. He became "Junior" instead of "mutt that mom found" and is now part of our family that all three of the girls just adore and treat like a baby. He didn't listen for the longest time and never came to his name until very recently. I admit that perhaps I was a bit judgemental when I asked Jim one night if it was possible that the dog didn't listen because he only spoke Spanish.

Anyway, this dog is creepy. He LOVES to just look you in the eyes and get really close to your face. He never licks you, he just stares at you. You pull away from him fearing that you may get a dog tongue across your lips and he gets closer as you try to get farther away but again he never licks. He is just plain creepy sometimes.

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