Monday, October 4, 2010

Macon County Fair

Here is the scarecrow that Ana entered in to the County Fair. She was so excited about it that it had to be the first thing that we went and saw. I think it looks better than everyone elses there of course, but then again I am a little biased aren't I?

This here pig is 815 lbs. I couldn't believe it. I have never seen one quite so big as this guy. The kids thought he was awesome but smelly and Trista told me he needed a bath. Otherwise this was the only interesting thing at the fair. We walked and walked and walked, we saw cows, fainting goats, chickens, and of course bunnies, sheep, and lambs. Then there was a kids booth that the girls played in for hours. We were really tired by the time we got home and Trista was asleep in the car before we even left the parking lot! I wish I could still sleep in the car but I don't trust Jim's driving to get us home alive so awake I stay. I crashed as soon as we got home.

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