Thursday, October 21, 2010

A bit of Nastalgia

So the other night Jim (the hubby) informed me that one of his teenage idols was coming in to concert in Atlanta. I believe his name is Joe Santini but since I didn't care at the moment of this name being spoken to me I could be wrong. The hubby informed me that this artist played Jazz guitar. Meaning to me that there are no words to the songs that he plays.

Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE (I mean LOVE) Jazz music. I played in the Jazz Band in high school (we almost took State so yeah, I'm a huge band geek.) I also went to a bar while I was in high school (at least we thought it was a bar) that our band teacher was playing jazz music at. (I swear we did! Just ask Elaine!) I snuck into a bar with an illegal ID card when I was 18 in San Diego to listen to the jazz band play. So yeah, I love Jazz music. However, I do not believe that the electric guitar and a set of drums constitutes a "Jazz Band". I was not enthused at the idea of purchasing tickets for a two hour show of nothing but the whining of the guitar. I said no way am I buying tickets, sorry hubby. He sighed and agreed only after having made me listen to a tape that he had of Joe playing. (Yes, you read it right, I said a TAPE of the guy.)

I haven't seen a tape in over a decade I think and here it is that the hubby has a stack load of them in the entertainment center. While going through it to find the tape he wanted me to listen to he happened to find an old Scorpions and another Eurythmics tape. I happen to like both so I stole them. I also happen to have a tape deck in my car which came with a six CD changer. Go figure right? A tape deck and a CD changer in the same car stereo.

1 comment:

  1. Are you talking about those jazz concerts at the hotel downtown? They were a lot of fun!
