Monday, October 11, 2010

True Blood and the yummy actors

How is it that there are people out there in the world that are as good looking as this guy? I know, I know, he's actually not all that great according to my normal standards of "must have at least 10 inches of muscle on his arm that looks like his thigh". Yeah he's blond with those light blue eyes and sexy facial fuzz, but really, really, white and has a seriously narcissistic attitude. I am not saying this because I know him personally, I am saying this because he is Alexander Skarsgard otherwise known as (better known as) Eric Northman from True Blood the series on HBO. He is a vampire. Nuff said right?
I must be attracted to him because he is older than me (everyone knows I go for the old guys!) and also because he is Swedish, much like myself. (My parents always called me the Viking in the wood pile because of my blonde hair and blue eyes while the rest of the family has dark hair and dark eyes. Of course I wouldn't mind being caught in a wood pile with this guy.)

Alright, I am totally done gushing over an actor that we all know is soooo not the person you expect them to be when you meet them for real. I would love for him to remain Eric Northman while this Alexander guy can take a hike.

Yes, I know there are other actors on this show and the title of this blog is "Yummy Actors" but this is the only one besides Sam Trammell, who plays the shifter, (he changes into animals! I mean he changes the meaning of doggie style!) that is worth talking about.

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