Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sick + Baby = Unhappy Mommy

My baby, my little girl, my happy/never whiny friend Trista was sick.

We did everything we could think of to make her better but nothing seemed to work except letting nature take its course and hope that her small body and parts would work the ickyness out of her system soon. We had to take her to Urgent Care in town after about four days of dealing with her throwing up, high fevers, and zero sleep for mommy. She slept all day and all night.

By the way, the urgent care facility is basically a useless place that apparently can do nothing in the way of treatment or diagnosis. They can check for strep throat and/or send you to the Emergency Room. Which is what they did for little Trista. She cried and cried for mommy and I was stuck at work but once they told my husband to go to the ER I was out of here like a shot. The FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner) was the nicest, most professional woman I have met in a long time. She worked with pediatrics a long time before coming to the ER. She was so good with Trista, she even got her to smile, even though Trista looked and felt like death warmed over. She told us to just keep giving her fluids and letting her sleep and keep up with the Tylenol and she should be fine in a few days, it had to be something viral.

I was hesitant that no tests were ran, no IV of fluids were given and my little T was severely dehydrated since she refused to drink anything for days. We could get sips here and there but it was not enough according to my limited medical training. We continued to deal with her sickness for five more days until I was on edge and seriously considered taking her back to the ER. Then it happened. She woke up yesterday, and she was fine, no fever, no throwing up, she was happy again! The miracle of the human body amazes me more than anything, I felt like she was knocking at deaths door and then the next time I see her awake she is fine and playing with her sisters.

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