Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Going Back to School...at 31?

Well, it is that time of year again. That time where I wonder where my life has gone? What happened to all that time I used to have left to finish the things I wanted? Jim, the hubby, has decided to retire for good. A stay at home dad he should be since he served his country 25 long years. He has seen things that most civilians never get to see. He is tired of being away from his family because someone told him he had to go. I stand behind him, he deserves to be home with the kids while I take care of him for awhile.

I did get to travel the world and see countries I never would have seen normally. I did get to spend four years fighting for my country and getting paid to do it! I would never trade those four years for anything in this world. I came home safe every time with my entire crew, which is hard to say for most of the military now. They were the best years of my life and although I may not have enjoyed some parts of it, I do think about the good times I had, the lifelong friends I made, and the awesome job responsibilities! Seriously, how many people can say they stood on deck and guided helicopters to land on a moving target? Not many in my now corporate world. Time flew by and I regret not continuing my career with the Navy. I always assumed I had plenty of time to head back to college once I got out, plenty of time to do the things I wanted to do like doing a job that I really enjoy. The time has come to either take wing and fly or stay where I am, angry and unsatisfied in my job and my life.

Anyway, that was a bit off subject, sorry about that. The point is, I am headed back to school....again. This will be my third and final attempt at finishing college with a degree that I can use. (Third time because NOW the military cannot drag my husband away to another country and me to another state!) I am going back for Nursing in the two year RN program, once that is finished I can quit the mundane job I have now and actually help people who really need it. I am unsure where exactly I would like to work or in what field of nursing. I have it narrowed down to either psych or emergency room or even labor and delivery (since I can no longer have kids of my own and I LOVE babies.)

Wish me luck! Things are slowly falling into place for me to start very soon. While nervous I am also very excited. I know I will be in classes with a bunch of young kids but hopefully I can make friends. Love to you all and keep me in your thoughts.

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