Saturday, August 6, 2011

First Day of School

Friday was Lani's first day of school. I know! School starts early here. She was so excited for it to come, she asked me every morning for weeks when she would get to go to school. Ana got to attend the day before because the older kids did not have the half day schedule that the K kids do. Lani was upset she had to wait an extra day.

I woke her up early that morning and she launched out of bed and immediately ran to get dressed and brush her teeth. Here they let the K kids eat breakfast for free at the school. I got Ana up a few minutes later and then we all headed to the truck. She asked me to take her first day picture once we were all loaded up.

She had such a great day! She got to go on a treasure hunt with her class mates and find the gingerbread man. She got to learn how to eat lunch in the cafeteria. She also got to learn how to write all 13 letters of her first name! This is very exciting for me because it took Jim and I a MONTH to remember how to spell it. (Kealohahalani if you don't remember)

Her class is 95% Hispanic which means only 5% speak English. I am a little worried about this because the teachers do not speak Spanish and the kids do not understand them so they have to "dumb down" everything. Lani is advanced for her age group I guess because she can already tell time, knows her letters and numbers on site, shapes and colors, etc. These Hispanic kids do not know them in English so it gets difficult. I never thought that I would have to teach my kids to speak Spanish just to get through Kindergarten.

She is disappointed that she does not also get to attend school on Saturdays and Sundays. I promised her she could go Monday if she was really good!

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