Monday, August 15, 2011

I is an college stu-dant

Yes, its official, I am a college student and I have the ID card to prove it. I have been told that I can now survive on Red Bull and Ramen Noodles for the next two years. I am fairly confident that I am able to do this but my family may kill me if I try to make them eat it as well.

Today was my very first day for English "Expository Writing". I have no idea what that means only I know I have to take it. I got up early and dropped the kids off at the bus stop and drove the 30 miles to the school. I know where the building is so I park the truck and make my way up the three flights of stairs. There is an elevator somewhere but I am now climbing the stairs out of spite. (Eff you elevator that I didn't know existed until AFTER I huffed up three flights.)

I make it up the stairs a bit winded and panting like a dog with my five hundred pound backpack on my shoulders. I am looking for room number 310. I walk past 309...then there is nothing, the doors lead outside and up to Oaks Hall. Okay? I walk back in the building and walk back to the 309 room and read the sign again, the arrow to 310 points down the hallway, but thats the bookstore and outside. Thoroughly confused and flustered now I break down and ask a student standing outside 309 where on earth 310 is because apparently I am retarded. He tells me it is inside of 309. I read the sign again and in very small print is the words "310-315 inside". Seriously? Argh....who does that? Its like they (whomever they is) has hatched this complex plan to infuriate the thirty-one year old college freshman.

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