Friday, September 4, 2009

Things I do not want to hear before 7am.

--Moooommmmm, Trista is NAAAAAAKKKKKEEEEEDDDDD! (from small child) (soon after from smaller child) Mom! I poopy!
Yes, this happens almost every morning.
--Mom......(Small childs finger jammed into a sleeping eye) Mom...Mom...I awake.
Again, this is a daily routine. Someone explain to me...
Why they cannot wake their father?
--Mooooommmmm, the dog pooped in the house again! (from first grader) (Long pause) I think Trista is playing with it!
--HEY! What are you doing in here! (from large angry husband) Get your hand out of the toilet...ANA! You need to FLUSH!
--Mom. (from small child) I cut your hair now okay? any child).
-- Mooooommmmmm....Trista broke it! (from any child)
My question...Why is it ALWAYS Trista's fault? And why are you always calling for mom? I never hear Daaaaaadddddd coming from anyone.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that all sounds very familiar! Oh, the life of a mother with young children. :)
