Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Monday I called in sick to work and headed off to the Biltmore Estate. For those of you that do not know this is the LARGEST house in the US. The place is huge! If you click on the title of this post it will take you to the website and you can read all about it. You see this home on the travel channel, in movies, and other things. To see it live and up close is just amazing. To feel its grandeur and immense size just makes you feel small in comparison. Pretty amazing for a guy that only had one child!

One of the many gargoyles outside.

View from the ground up to the 3rd and 4th floors.

You are not supposed to take pictures on the inside of the house but this little cubby was irresistible. I had my mom stand behind me while I took it. This is the front of the house from the 3rd floor.

Even their rain gutters are fancy!

The view from what we would call a back porch. What I would call the freaking amazing patio! All that you see (except the mountains) is owned buy the Biltmore Estate.

This is the winery. I was allowed to take pictures here. They did not start making and selling wine until 1985. I bought a bottle and it was AMAZING, just like everything else. This is the ONLY wine that I did not have an allergic reaction to.

The fermenting tanks.

The wine kegs.

The greenhouse is even bigger than my entire property.

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