Thursday, September 24, 2009

Did I mention that I hated school?

So as everyone knows I hated high school. I mean I despised it. I graduated by the skin of my teeth and joined the military just so I wouldn't have to go to college.

I told you that to tell you this. On Saturday I take part one of a three part exam. I have been studying for two years and I still feel like I know nothing about taxes. This exam will allow me to practice in front of the IRS and prepare taxes professionally. Anyone can prepare taxes but not everyone can stand in front of the IRS. As much as I dislike the IRS as everyone does, this will also give me a raise at work if I pass all three parts. Anyway, I am going to take this test which cost me $100.00 just to take the first part. Yes, my company reimburses me for this but I have to pass all three parts first. I guess I will let you know how it goes.

Secondly, I have enrolled in a REAL college this time. Not just a technical college but a real honest to god college. I was accepted. I start in January and I will be taking cyber crime technology courses. Whoda thunk it, that I would be a computer geek?