Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead!

Well, much to our insane relief, my mother is going home (her own home) as I type this. She will no longer be taking over every aspect of our lives. I could have hugged the surgeon when he told her that she could drive. I wanted to bow down and kiss his expensively covered feet. He must have read my mind...from the waiting room.

Lani gets her bed and her room back. I get my clean house back. My dogs get their food back. My husband gets his wife back. My Ana gets her rational, loving, non-screaming, mommy back. My family gets their sanity back. Oh what beautiful days are on the horizon.

My mother and I are better off without each other. We simply cannot be in the same room together for too long as a fight is bound to erupt. I like things my way in my house and she likes things her way, she seems to forget that it was MY house she was living in though.

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