Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bear Zoo

Hey everyone. I know its been waaaayyyy too long since I have written. What was I thinking. I am arrogant enough to know that you look forward to hearing from me daily so here is what I have been doing for the past few days/weeks on the next few posts. On the 7th of this month we decided that we needed something to do since we were stuck in the house all weekend. So off we went to Cherokee (a little indian reservation with a casino...Go figure). In Cherokee I have always wanted to see the "Bear Zoo" so off we went.

The kids loved the bear zoo because there we got to actually feed the bears. Here are some pics of them feeding goats and donkeys, they loved getting close to the animals. Fortunately we were not this close to the bears when feeding them.

Ana feeding a goat.

Trista feeding a goat.

Trista climbing the fence to see the goats who were ignoring us until they saw us buy the 25 cent food.

Some monkey that didn't like us.

Finally, the bears. They would do tricks and clap their paws all for a little piece of apple. This one was lounging.

This one was playing with a tire.

"Mom! I found a MA MA Bear!"

You could get your picture taken holding this white Bengal tiger...I didn't see the sign and Jim didn't tell me until we were leaving so I wasn't able to do it. Next time I think.


How intimidating is the Grizzly?

Or these?

This one was stuffed...Scared the kids LOL.

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