Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Waiting, waiting, and more waiting.

Well, we finally made it to the hospital and we just had our first update from the Chaplain here. She is doing well in the surgery and we should hear something more in a couple hours. He said that she should be done by around noon. I just hate the waiting for news. I wish that they had one of those observatory rooms that we could watch now THAT would be cool. I will keep everyone updated as we hear more of course. I may even post some pictures if they let me take them. Of course I am the only idiot that brings a laptop to the hospital to wait on surgery results. I also think that I am the youngest one in the waiting room. All these old people around are giving me a complex.

Its funny, when you are in the military and the Chaplain comes to talk to you it is usually bad news so when they told us that he had an update for us Jim and I just looked at each other like "uh-oh, now what?". Then they told us that he will be giving us updates every two hours during the surgery and we were relieved.

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