Friday, August 7, 2009

If I only had a heart...

The title to this blog has two meanings I think. First of all many of you know that my mother had open heart surgery on Wednesday morning involving a 4 way bypass. As a joke my husband and I decided that since my mothers favorite movie is Wizard of Oz and since the Tin Man just wanted a heart we would just have to get her a tin man.

After looking at the mall in Asheville we were a little disheartened that we could not seem to find one. Not even a Disney store or anything. So we came home and Jim and I both went back to work. His wonderful ex-boss lady heard that we were looking for one and amazingly had a tin man. This particular Tin Man was made out of recycled tin cans and various other items, and has a wooden heart. It is the best Tin Man that we could have asked for.

As far as the second meaning of this post. I am not quite sure how to describe it. Let me start from the beginning I guess. It seems like everyone is always so worried about my mom and me and my family, they always ask how I am doing and how she is doing. I always answer with a good and a sigh, like I have to pretend that I am as concerned for her health as they are. I am not concerned as she is doing well. It may sound selfish to say but she brought it on herself from the way that she takes care of herself. I do not feel sorry for her in the least...(To be continued on If I only had a heart...(part II)).

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