Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Busy weekend.

(As promised I have edited the post to add pictures.)We went to a BBQ festival Saturday and it would have been fun with the great food they served there however, it was 93 degrees and the humidity was up there! I think Jim and I walked about three miles in the sweltering heat. I think I lost about five pounds of water while I was there. The kids did not take it as hard as us old farts though. They bounced in a bouncy house for about 30 minutes and came out pouring in sweat and crying because they wanted to go back in! How fun would that bouncy house had been if it were raining instead? I may have to rent one and turn on the old sprinklers next weekend!

This is the funniest of all the signs there at the BBQ fest was this one. They even had shirts on!!

Lani FINALLY got into the bouncy after bribing her with candy and kisses for a week.

Ana refusing to smile after she crashed and burned in the bouncy tunnel.

Trista got into the bouncy once she saw that her other two sisters were in there...Funny kid.

As far as Sunday, we decided that it was simply too hot to be messing around with our usual family drive so Jim made his homemade ice cream while I cleaned out the girls closets. We ended up with the best tasting chocolate ice cream....mmmmmm... We also ended up with about 6 bags of clothes and coats and I will be taking those to the donation sites one of these days...Hopefully it will not sit in the back of my car for three weeks like the stuffed animals that were supposed to go to the humane society. Gimme a break, I work full time and I have three kids sheesh...

Here is what happened to the chocolate ice cream. I have no idea if any of it made it into her mouth! It was all down her clothes and in the chair. Whatever made it to the floor the dogs cleaned up nicely.

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