Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monday, ALL day.

Monday I went to get my mother out of the hospital and she was already getting on my nerves. Apparently I was supposed to be there early in the morning (according to the nagging mother) yet I did not want to put my poor daycare lady out AGAIN. (She has been the best through all of this and I don't think I have thanked her yet! I am such a terrible person). So I dropped them off at the regular time and headed out that way to get her the hour and a half drive I did was a quiet one since Ana decided to come with me but she slept the whole way.

I got yelled at of course when I got there because they were supposedly waiting on me but she was not even ready to go yet! She still had cords and tubes attached so how was it my fault exactly? Anyway, she talked my ear off almost the whole way home until she asked me to stop by our work to "see" everyone. First of all she works day shift so I tell her that by the time we get there all of the day shift people will be gone because we still have another hour on the road. She gets all uppity (is that a word?) at me and starts yelling at me like I am her freakin' cabbie and should take her where ever she wants to go. Finally, I put my foot down and say that I am taking her to Wal-mart to get her meds, then we are going to Dominoes to get dinner for the kids, then we are going HOME and that's it.

So she decides to take her anger out on Ana and bicker with a six year old that has been stuck in the car all day! Enough! I yell at her and tell her to just ignore Ana when she is like that because she is hyper right now, it doesn't work she yells at her anyway.

So we get home and go about our business. We eat, I bathe the kids, and get them ready for bed. By this time its 9 pm and the kids are extremely tired. So I tell mom that she needs to go to bed so the girls will go to bed. She does not, she gets on the phone and keeps the girls up another dang hour. Then I tell her again to GO TO BED and she finally does but lets Trista out of her room so I have to be the bad guy and put her back in bed at 11 pm. We all finally fall asleep and I am happy until I wake up to my mother ranting and raving and IN MY LIVING ROOM instead of in Lani's room at 1:30 am.

She keeps us up the rest of the night and continues to wake up the kids with her wandering and talking out loud and going in and out of the house. My alarm is set for 8 am but I decide to get up and out of bed because she just let Trista out of her room again and Jim is getting ready for work. I found the culprit this morning when I went to make Lani's bed. She had taken more of the meds than she was supposed to. She had taken FOUR prescription sleeping pills, plus her Tuesday evening meds...It is only Tuesday early morning at this point. With no sleep behind me and I am already mad as the dickens at her because at 7 am she wanted to get on the Internet in MY ROOM. This is my house I had to scream at her like you would for a child to get her to move her fat bottom out of my room and I had to close my door.

Anyway, I tell her that I am taking away her medication self distribution privilege and I will be doing it myself. So I hid them to where she cannot find them. I left her some pain meds and told her where they were but she either did not remember or had taken them in her drug induced stupor and didn't remember that either.

So I get a call from her once Jim finally picks her up and she is cussing at me because she can't find her pain meds and she is in pain. She flat out lies to Jim and tells him that she was sleeping the whole day but she had just left my room when he got home. He checks the seat at the computer desk and it was still warm and she did not log off of the computer. After she cusses at me I just hang up...I am at work dang it, how dare you!

So I call Jim back and tell him where the meds are for her pain and I really feel for him because he is the one who has to deal with her right now and she is not too happy that I am not letting her do anything. She is not going to kill herself in my house! She wants to do that crap she can go back to her own house and do that so I can't hear her and I don't have to deal with her. So tonight I will allow her NO sleeping pills! I am not doing another night of this and I could CARE LESS if she is mad. Thanks for just assuming that I am supposed to take care of you...Sorry honey but you may be out on your ass if you pull a stunt like this again.

I called my Dad a Pharmacist and he said most definitely the sleeping pills were the culprit of our long night. Mom told Jim that she apologised to me while we were on the phone but he said that he did not hear it and was sitting right there and I most definitely did not hear her. I am sure that there is going to be a yelling match tonight when I get home but I really don't care at this point. I am so tired and so angry and so very close to just crying and kicking her butt out of my house that I don't even want to go home.

1 comment:

  1. I have a spare bed... I will loan it out to you.. I feel for you sweetie.. :-)
