Friday, November 19, 2010

Porn is not allowed at work

Jim wants something special for Christmas this year. Its not something that we particularly need but he somehow thinks this item will save us money in the long run. I told him there was no way I was going to purchase this item. Of course I'm going to. I think its a good idea.

So today I went to google to look up Black Friday ads since I have that day off of work I get to go shopping. I couldn't find what I needed so then I did the unthinkable. I immediately knew the error of my ways in the instant that I typed in "sausage stuffer" to the Google search bar and hit enter. With a feeling of sheer terrior I screamed in fear inside my head that slow motion nnnnnooooooooo!!!!! But there was no turning back. Slowly as I watched the green progress bar finish its trip to the end of its destination the porn pictures arrived on my 20 inch computer monitor. I was able to shut down the entire computer before anyone noticed which was a little drastic since all I needed to do was close the window that was open.

I have learned my lesson. The moral of this story is be sure to use safe search when entering Christmas lists into a google search!

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