Monday, May 3, 2010

Geocaching 05/02/2010

Sunday marked the Ten year anniversary of Geocaching and I was able to attend an event for it. I had to get up at 0445 to make it there for the breakfast at 0730 in Asheville. It was a long drive about an hour and a half but I have made it many times before. I had a great time meeting all of these, strange, addicted, cachers. Most of them were way more experienced than me but that is ok, they welcomed me like a moth to a flame! ha ha.

Here is the group picture of everyone that was there. Made some good friends here and I am excited about meeting more at other events. I am also thinking about hosting an event closer to home to meet and greet more cachers.
On the way home I had plotted out some caches to grab. We found a total of 11 and only DNF (Did Not Find) two which brought my total found to 20 caches. Pretty amazing to me since I am such a newb and have only gone about 5 times total.

This one was at a rest stop and it was called B R P (ee). It was a very easy find and we were happy about it too. I got an arrow head and I left them a stuffed puppy.

I hate rail road tracks, they frighten me. Luckily the cache was located far away from these tracks, we just had to walk next to them for a bit.

Here is the cache, interesting because it is a military decontamination kit.

Easy find on this one, painted altoids can.

Another easy find, it also gave me a chance to check the air in my tires.

This one the animals had gotten too because there was rice in the container which seemed to be a good idea to keep the moisture away but people forget animals like rice too.

Yet another easy find in Dillsboro.

Do you see it? I think I leaned against this post for about 20 minutes before I realized where it was.

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