Sunday, May 9, 2010

Urgent Care...Oxymoron. Happy Mothers Day to me.

So I have been sickly the last few days, difficulty swallowing, swollen tonsils, congestion. Last night was the last straw I couldn't sleep with a raging headache and I couldn't breath. It was time to see a doctor. So this morning I get up, shower and show up at a place called "Urgent Care". After an hour they finally call my name JUST TO CHECK IN. I watched child after child walk out of the office announcing that they had "Strep Throat". I started to sweat a little, what if I had strep? Oh God, I don't have time to be sick with three kids, work, a broken husband who is about as useful as a 2 year old right now. Finally, they call my name and I go sit in the little room with all of the crazy scary instruments for yet another hour before I get a work up. Good news, I do not have strep. Bad news, I have tonsillitis. I got some meds and was sent home for "rest". Yeah right, rest. Once again, Happy Mothers Day!

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