Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Brother

I am a little behind in my family updates, sorry about that I promise to get better as the tax season finally comes to a close. Back a few weeks ago my brother came for a visit. Well, more like he came for some training in Charlotte which was 3 hrs away and I decided to load my family into the truck and drag them along to visit him on a Sunday. 6 hours in the car both ways it a LONG drive with three little girls, your husband, and your MOTHER!

My brother and I never really got along as kids. We mostly argued and kicked each others butts around the house. It wasn't until he moved out that I began to appreciate my brother and what he did. He joined the Army out of high school and went from Washington state to Germany in the span of a few years. He was sent home finally and he settled in VA. Jim and I also lived in VA for a time and we got to spend a lot of time with him there. Not as much as I would have like but since my brother never took time off and Jim was always gone to Iraq it was hard to get together.

We arrived in Charlotte about 1 pm and spent about three hours with him in his hotel room just hanging out and talking. (The drive actually was not that bad since Jim and I had the forthought to put the DVD players in the truck the night before. It was the first time we made a long trip and the girls didn't say a peep the whole time.) It was very good to see him again. He was recently fired from his job in VA which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. He moved to Montana and has loved everyday of it.

Meanwhile, since Jim and I have moved from Hawaii we have not had a Jack in the Box burger in about five years. Jim mentioned in passing that he thought there was a Jack in the Box in Charlotte somewhere. We laughed and drooled over how good that would be. Low and behold as soon as we turned to my bothers hotel off of the freeway there it was...Like a sign from God himself that we were meant to be here on this day, was the Jack in the Box. The sky opened up and the angels sang Halleluja!

Okay not really but or course that is exactly where we ate. It had to be the BEST fast food burger on the planet.

We left after that and drove the long drive home. It was nice to see you brother! I love you.

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