Friday, April 9, 2010

Mommy BJ

My mother-in-law BJ spent two weeks in the hospital. She has got to be the toughest woman I know. When I first married my husband she had a bad kidney and my sister in law gave her one of hers. Then we moved to NC and found out mom had Lung cancer. They removed that and she was in remission for a long time. Then she had this pain in her ribs, went back to the docs and they said she had bone cancer. They remove the rib (must have been that one that Adam gave her, didn't need it anyway) and started her on some radiation therapy. She did okay for awhile with it then got very sick and ended up making the hospital her home for two weeks. I am assuming here because I have yet to talk to her but I think she had pneumonia. While she was in the hospital I had a real Saturday off and I got to go to visit her with the kids. They missed her terribly and were very excited to go. Mom had started losing her hair from the radiation and she decided to shave it off! So did my husband and my father in law. What a good bunch of boys. I do not have the picture of all three of them but I do have this one with the two youngest loving on their mamaw.

Then we headed out to do some shopping but by this time we were famished and stopped to get some Chinese food at this little buffet I noticed next to wal-mart (my home away from home by the way). I was able to snap this picture of Ana playing with her silverware again.

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