Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Okay, so I have totally been interested in this thing I have recently heard of from now a total of two people. It is called Geocaching, its like a form of a world wide scavenger hunt. You get some GPS coordinates, type them into your GPS enabled device and off you go onto the adventure. The official website is here.

I have decided that this is a really cool hobby and you can literally do it anywhere at anytime. Of course there are some basics that you need in order to do this...First a GPS enabled device (duh) and a compass. And it is something that you can do for FREE. Yes, I said it...FREE. The only things that it will cost you are for the GPS, gas, and some exercise. Okay, nothing is ever free in this world. What more could a gal ask for? Some time to go hiking with the kids? Nice, the kids will love it.

I have also decided that I cannot simply make subtle hints to my husband about what I want for Christmas, I literally have to point out to him what I want and which brand to get and give him enough money to go and buy it. As anyone with a husband can guess, he may still get the wrong one (like a vehicle GPS?) but it is the thought that counts...Right?

Basically, friends and family, the GPS's are not cheap so if you would like to help him in deciding which one to get feel free to donate money or Walmart gift cards to his cause and I am all for the cheapest one on the block! Although the $500 one is COMPLETELY awesome! The cheapest one I saw was $48 on line and the one that is local here at Walmart is $150 this one I can handle.

Oh and one more thing. It is my anniversary this weekend and Jim and I will be heading off to Atlanta for the weekend with no kids. Just him and me and some other adults and acting like children ourselves. We may catch the hockey game there but I know for sure I want some Olive Garden! I don't know why I insist on living in places that do not have one, then again when I lived in VA there was one less than ten minutes away and I still did not eat there very often. Oh well, life's a beach right?

Since this is turning into a HUGE blog I am going to sign off with one last thing. Happy Holidays, I love you all!

PS this is the 50th post to date! Congrats to me.

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