Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Geocaching at a glance.

- You are familiar with acronyms like "TNLNSL", "TFTC" and "TFTF."

- You know the zip codes of all your out-of-town relatives off the top of your head, and you actually look forward to visiting your in-laws.

- You no longer talk to your friends or relatives about geocaching ... none of them will allow it.

- You find yourself having to explain to your significant other why there is a never-ending shortage of Tupperware containers in the kitchen.

- You begin making grocery purchases based on the items' usefulness as cache containers.

- You will willingly hike through wet woods - and ford a stream - in the dark - in your "business casual" attire to bag a find.

- When you tell your spouse you "have to work late" or "run a quick errand" you're not fooling anyone.

- You travel everywhere with a flashlight and tweezers.

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