Monday, December 21, 2009

7 Years Married

I have been married to this wonderful man for 7 years and one day as of today. How awesome its been. In that time we have had three beautiful girls, moved four times, done two overseas deployments, retired, and even have grandbabies now.

To celebrate our time together Jim and I took a minivacation to Atlanta, GA which is about two hours away from the house I guess it would be called a "staycation". On our way we stopped off to visit with Robert and Kristen (Jims son and his wife), Isabella and Jacob (the grandbabies), Nate and Kim (Kristens brother and sister-in-law) along with their two kids Sean and Taylor, and Cliff and his wife (Kristens dad and step-mother, forgive me but I just can't remember her name right now!).

Here is a cute picture of Jacob covering his ears while we shoot the new M-4 Grand. The gun is pretty loud and will make your ears ring like mad if you are not wearing the proper protective equipment...You know those high tech things they call EAR PLUGS!

Here is Jacob and Uncle Nate learning how to shoot the M-4.

Here is my smiley faced little grandbaby Isabella. She is beautiful and deserves all things beautiful! He big brother Jacob just loves all over her and I am sure that mommy and daddy have nothing to worry about with him as her protector!

This is an interesting place that we stopped at on the way that is really not that far from the house but we have never been there. It is a nice little gift shop with some dust collector items, homemade jams and jellies, and even a fire pit in the front. Do you see the real goat on the roof? They have a whole playground up there its really neat!

So after making our meet and greets we made our way to Atlanta. We checked into the hotel which was very nice. They had a happy hour but we missed it since I wanted to head off to eat then to the Hockey Game. We ate at Olive Garden which is my favorite place to eat of all time! Then it was off to the Thrasher game.

Our seat were pretty high up which was a good thing because we could see the entire rink and all the players. It was a bad thing because the seats faced almost straight down and if you tripped it would be a long fall to the bottom.

My camera is okay at taking pictures from far away so I thought I would take this one while no one was on the rink.
Luckily we were right behind the team so I grabbed this picture while I could. All vowels in those Russian names!
Here they are getting ready to score the last goal of the game. With one minute remaining in the period (we ended up losing) they score a goal to bring the score to 5 for the NJ Devils and 4 for the GA Thrashers. It was a great game NJ played better though.

Goal tender getting ready for the Devils.
So all in all we had a great time in Atlanta and cannot wait until we get to do something like this again. Without the kids of course!
Happy Holidays everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Happy anniversary! It's so funny to hear you talk about your grandkids! :)
