Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Geocaching 12/29/09

Here is my second Geocache that I found. You can read about my first one here. It is an outlet cover made of metal and there is supposed to be a magnet on there but I think it may have fallen off. Either that or the guy who placed this cache did not do a very good job. Robert, my son, came with me so that we could find his 50th cache. We almost gave up on this one since we at first could not find it and it was about 27 degrees outside. Just as we were leaving to get warmed up again in the truck I said, "I checked over here already but lets look one more time." Robert came with me and as I was looking up he was looking down and there it was. On the ground. He asked me, "what is that on the ground?" Mad, I kicked that piece of metal and then picked it up. You got it. This was it. We signed the log and put it back where we found it then it was off to the next one. This second one was a lot easier than the first one. Robert had seen this kind of hide before (what we call camo) so as soon as we pulled up to it he told me to go and pop off the top the of fence post. The cacher had glued the tube to the underside of the fence post top with a twist cap that holds the log to sign. This is what it looked like, this is what we call a micro cache because it is small and does not hold any swag. We did not freeze to death but my toes stayed cold all the way home.

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