Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Enjoyment of Netflix

For those of you that do not know I am a total movie lover. Netflix of course has them all, I can stream movies and get a DVD if I so choose. I think that I love the Netflix movies so much simply because I am lazy and would much rather sit at home to watch as many movies as I want for 9.95 a month then to drive to the theater, pay a sitter, and twelve dollars to see the stupid thing. So anyway, sitting at home with a $500 movie machine (PS3) to stream movies and the 10 bucks each month is a blessing in disguise I suppose. Plus, I get to watch all of those HBO and Showtime series that I refuse to purchase on my satellite program because I am also what some would call cheap. ($15 bucks a month just for HBO? That is just ridiculous.)

I said all of that just to tell you this. I have found two new shows that I like to watch (with the kids in bed of course, this IS HBO, soft porn I guess you could call it.) True Blood and the other show is Dexter (not so much porn in that show.)

So, go get yourself a PS3 and a Netflix subscription and chill at the house with me. OH and if you do not have a PS3 but are looking for a Blue Ray player for the HDTV you have at the house. Look no further, the PS3 also plays Blue Rays and regular DVDs. The best investment we have made all year.

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