Thursday, August 12, 2010

The terrible thing is...

I am a bad blogger. We have been so very busy, yet not really, for the longest time that I can't even remember the last time I put a post out. Since I work on a computer all day long the last thing I want to do is come home to a computer (or a phone for that matter. Customer Service SUCKS!)

Jim was fired from his FIRST job in over 30 years yesterday. It was a new experience for him so he is at home playing video games and enjoying the first week off. Wait until I get ahold of him next week with about an inch long stack of "Honey do" list papers. Just because he doesn't have a paid job doesn't mean that he can skip out on work. I would have to say that THIS is the perfect revenge for me being in Virginia, working full time, going to school full time, and taking care of three kids, all by myself with Jim in Iraq playing war games. Now he gets to experience the real stay-at-home Dad experience, "I'm hungry. I have to pee. The dog pooped on the floor. She has my toy. She pulled my hair".

I promise to catch you guys all up on our family in the next couple of days.

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