Friday, September 3, 2010

New stats bar

Apparently, I am dependent upon what other people think of me. I continuously check my blogger stats, the comments on my facebook posts, even the comments on my tweets. I am obsessed with what the world thinks of me as well. Today I checked my blogger stats and I have one view from the Netherlands. ONLY ONE. Instead of being like a normal human being and going "cool someone from the Netherlands has seen my site" I am the freak-a-zoid that says to herself "whats wrong with me? how come I only have ONE view from the Netherlands? What is so wrong about my family and antics that there is only one person in the Netherlands who has seen my site?"

Of course, it does not occur to me that perhaps they were just skimming through the sites and just clicking next blog, it also does not occur to me that perhaps this person doesn't even speak or read english. (Do they speak english in the Netherlands?) And maybe, just maybe, there is only ONE person in the Netherlands with internet access so the whole country gets together to check blogs and maybe just that ONE view on my page had more than 500 people looking instead.


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