Sunday, May 16, 2010

Geocaching 5/16/2010

This one I found with a couple friends.

Tassee Bridge, another cache to find but this time I went alone. There was this old man hanging around the cache for about 20 minutes without moving on. Finally he left and I grabbed it.

First find of the day today. It was fairly simple, nothing to trade.

First guardrail find. I have yet to find a guardrail that I enjoyed. I hate guardrails!

This was a pill bottle that was hanging from some pine trees. Pretty cool.

This one was outside of Home Depot. Pretty easy cache.

This one was definitely the coolest of the day. Dropped a couple travel bugs in this one.

Here is the open container.

Last find of the day. All were pretty simple.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Urgent Care...Oxymoron. Happy Mothers Day to me.

So I have been sickly the last few days, difficulty swallowing, swollen tonsils, congestion. Last night was the last straw I couldn't sleep with a raging headache and I couldn't breath. It was time to see a doctor. So this morning I get up, shower and show up at a place called "Urgent Care". After an hour they finally call my name JUST TO CHECK IN. I watched child after child walk out of the office announcing that they had "Strep Throat". I started to sweat a little, what if I had strep? Oh God, I don't have time to be sick with three kids, work, a broken husband who is about as useful as a 2 year old right now. Finally, they call my name and I go sit in the little room with all of the crazy scary instruments for yet another hour before I get a work up. Good news, I do not have strep. Bad news, I have tonsillitis. I got some meds and was sent home for "rest". Yeah right, rest. Once again, Happy Mothers Day!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Geocaching 05/02/2010

Sunday marked the Ten year anniversary of Geocaching and I was able to attend an event for it. I had to get up at 0445 to make it there for the breakfast at 0730 in Asheville. It was a long drive about an hour and a half but I have made it many times before. I had a great time meeting all of these, strange, addicted, cachers. Most of them were way more experienced than me but that is ok, they welcomed me like a moth to a flame! ha ha.

Here is the group picture of everyone that was there. Made some good friends here and I am excited about meeting more at other events. I am also thinking about hosting an event closer to home to meet and greet more cachers.
On the way home I had plotted out some caches to grab. We found a total of 11 and only DNF (Did Not Find) two which brought my total found to 20 caches. Pretty amazing to me since I am such a newb and have only gone about 5 times total.

This one was at a rest stop and it was called B R P (ee). It was a very easy find and we were happy about it too. I got an arrow head and I left them a stuffed puppy.

I hate rail road tracks, they frighten me. Luckily the cache was located far away from these tracks, we just had to walk next to them for a bit.

Here is the cache, interesting because it is a military decontamination kit.

Easy find on this one, painted altoids can.

Another easy find, it also gave me a chance to check the air in my tires.

This one the animals had gotten too because there was rice in the container which seemed to be a good idea to keep the moisture away but people forget animals like rice too.

Yet another easy find in Dillsboro.

Do you see it? I think I leaned against this post for about 20 minutes before I realized where it was.