Saturday, February 6, 2010

Worst blogger ever.

Perhaps I have nothing to blog about. Perhaps the 60 hour weeks at work are so boring that even I do not want to talk about it. Its that time of year again..Tax time. Everyones favorite time as long as they are getting a refund. That is what I do. Prepare taxes, fix problems when other people prepare taxes and screw them up, then I get to come home and do it all over again the next day. This time of year....SUCKS.

So here is what has been happening the last month. My dad informed me that he will be moving again, this time closer to the grand kids. That's right not HIS grand kids but the grand kids that know him better than I do. The same grand kids that he has been able to watch grow up, go see awards shows at school, watch games with, play in the yard with...and yet his grand kids have never met him. He told me that he was going to finally come visit. After five years of being back on the mainland now he is coming to visit. Oh but wait, this may not happen. Since he is moving he will be changing jobs, since he is changing jobs he may not have the vacation time so once again, no visit.

(Edited to include at a later time) Not to blame my dad for no visits. I totally can come to visit them once and awhile as well, I just cannot take the time off of work because we cannot afford a trip for five people. The farthest that we could afford is Florida and only that because we have family there to stay with. However, he makes enough money to buy a new home while keeping the old one? You can afford some time to come and meet the children you have never met.

Now since that is off of my chest. My kids are awesome. Ana got an award in school the other day for Math and Reading. She loves math and reading her two favorite subjects. She must get it from her grandfather.

Lani is now potty trained for the most part. Sometimes she forgets. She can't wait to start school and this summer she gets to play in the soccer league.

Trista is getting bigger. Poor thing was sick on Monday but she was over it quickly. She is also potty training and doing very well I am impressed since she is only 2. Lani and Ana were both 3 before they did it. She is also going to be the mean one I think because she does not take any crap from anyone and LOVES to pick on her sisters.

This book is over. I have another 9 hour day of work tomorrow...On a Saturday...Ugh.

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