Monday, February 22, 2010


We went to our first magic show as a family. How fun! We had the best time and the kids really loved the tricks. I think we have seen the old Houdini trick about a million times but we can never figure it out. It must be one of those things that we will never get. His jokes were funny as well. He has performed for millions of people all around the world. He is a christian guy, told us his life story which was amazing. He got his first magic box at 9 years old and then he began practicing and by the time he was 16 he was making a six figure income. He was living the American dream. He did shows all around the world until one day he was asked to pray with a family. So he did, he sat on the dirt floor with them in his expensive suit and the family prayed and thanked God for all of the things that they had. What they had was NOTHING, he thought. Then he realized that, that was all they needed. As long as the family was there happy, and healthy that is all that they had ever wanted for. So he came home and told his family that he was going to sell all of their belongings. He then asked the entire crowd to pray with him. Amazing, to have to guts to stand up there and ask the crowds to pray with him? Simply amazing. You can check him out at

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