Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Did someone order a SNOW cone?

It has been snowing here like crazy. It seems like every other day there is another snow storm coming through. I would blame global warming if it was not for oxymoron of the temperatures being in the teens almost daily. Ana has yet to be at a full day of school for at least two weeks. I like to tease her saying that Trista and Lani will be in the same grade as her pretty soon. Poor Ana has school on Saturday to make up for the snow day on Monday.

One Saturday that yes, I had to call in to work because I could not get out of the driveway, the girls were out playing in the snow since it was just warm enough to play outside but cold enough to keep the snow there on the ground.

Jim and I were putting the groceries away when I had this great idea. I sent the girls out with some of the ice cream cones we keep around. (I keep these around because my step-mother Karen taught me to put whipped cream in the cones and the girls could pretend its ice cream. With less of a mess of course, and an awesome idea).

Lani did not want to play with them anymore and she takes everything very literal so when I give ice cream cones, there had better be some ice cream to come with it. The other two girls are not as hard to please. This is what they came back with. It was hilarious!

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