Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Exploding Closet.

Yesterday I cleaned out my closet. It started as a walk-in closet when we built this place. Then it turned in to the biggest space in the house that held the most crap. I could not get to my clothes without moving about six storage bins full of who knows what. So, yesterday I decided to get off my lazy arse and clean it out. I locked myself in my room for three hours and it was done. Here are the before and after shots. Isn't it amazing?



Seven bags of donation items like clothing, books, computer nonsense. Four bags of trash (old paperwork and other misc stuff). I also found some old stuff of Jim's from when he was in the Navy. All of his awards and things that he got. I plan on framing them all and putting them up for Christmas. I even have a copy of his very first enlistment!

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