My two oldest children got their ears pierced while they were young, very young. Ana's was done at just one month old so she doesn't remember a thing about it. Lani was eleven months old when I did hers and she doesn't remember the experience either. Poor Trista, I think we wait too long for her to forget that she just lived through a sharp rod being jammed into her ear lobes. She is two and a half and I think she is going to remember this trauma for the rest of her life and hate me forever. She tells me every morning when I go to clean them with the alcohol, "DON"T TOUCH MY EARS!" So sad.
Jim feeling a little left out of the piercings fiasco decided that he as a man should also get an earring to show Trista that it does not hurt. That worked out well because anyone who knows Jim knows that he is a wimp. He flinched when she wiped his ear with the alcohol swab ha ha. But he struggled through it and it is done. One gold earring in his left ear, I hope that's the right one to do that in. So for Christmas Jim would like a skull and crossbones for the new earring go ahead and get it for him since I will not be buying that ha ha ha.
What are the odds!!! I just took Emily to get hers done today. Even though she's older she asked 2nd, so 2 months after 4 yr old Bella she has her own new holes to cry about. Fortunately I pushed the "you better be brave or not do it!" because it worked! She only teared up a little. Good luck with your little one!